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Blackberry fruit export customs | Nanjing Customs facilitated the first blackberry export customs clearance

  After understanding the export willingness of the enterprise, the customs officers of Jinling visited the enterprise many times to help the enterprise grasp the export destination countryBlackberry fruit exportsThe relevant laws and regulations and technical requirements guide enterprises to obtain various quality management certifications。

        According to the relevant quarantine inspection requirements and provisions of the international market, help enterprises standardize pest control measures from the source, strictly control the quality and health control level of products, strengthen the supervision of pest control, storage temperature control and production health control of enterprises, and check the pesticide residues and pests of export products。In order to ensure the timeliness of enterprise product inspection and the accuracy of results, we have close contact with Nanjing Customs Animal and Plant Food Inspection Center, and realize the rapid direct flow from enterprise cold storage to laboratory cold storage。

Blackberry fruit export customs | Nanjing Customs facilitated the first blackberry export customs clearance

  The export of 23 tons of frozen blackberries sounded the horn of Lishui characteristic agricultural products overseas export, and the export volume is expected to increase next year。The company is full of confidence in further exploring the international market, so that concentrated juice, blueberry wine and other deep-processed products to go overseas。

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