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Beijing cross-border e-commerce B2B exports more than 10 million yuan in two months

Capital Airport customs officers to Hongyuan home trading Co., Ltd. b2b export goods on-site supervision
Picture: Capital Airport customs officers on the export of goods on-site supervision

  Since July 1, the cross-border e-commerce B2B export New Deal has been piloted in 10 direct customs offices such as Beijing。As of August 27, Beijing Customs Area has tested and released a total of 1112 cross-border e-commerce B2B export value.240,000 yuan, all types of business work smoothly。

  Beijing Customs studied the different arrangement and combination test of multi-value, multi-system, multi-logistics form and multi-transportation method,Two customs clearance systems, including H2018 and cross-border e-commerce consistent version, have been fully applied,Four customs clearance forms, including 9710 high and low values and 9810 high and low values, are fully covered,The two main logistics forms, including integration and direct export, are fully circulated,Four major transportation methods, including air, land, sea and express, are fully open,To verify the scientific integrity and usefulness of B2B new policy in practical business work。

  In conjunction with local government departments,Lay the ground beforehand,Detailed interpretation of new policy requirements for enterprises,Help enterprises to do a good job before the pilot system preparation;Improve quality and increase efficiency,1 to 1 to guide pilot enterprises to deal with customs declaration repair, port inspection and other problems;Follow up afterwards,We will encourage local governments to arrange special symposiums attended by customs, tax and foreign exchange departments in a timely manner,Jointly study the solution to the problem of enterprise response such as overseas warehouse identification, tax refund and foreign exchange settlement。

  Beijing Customs is also actively guiding the traditional world express business rich business forms,Cross-border e-commerce goods that were originally declared for export through express channels will be included in the pilot,Compared with the past express export,Cross-border e-commerce B2B exports have the advantages of paperless, information, data retention, automatic comparison and verification,World express companies can know the status of orders before collecting,Booking and data declaration in advance,Improve the efficiency of customs clearance。

Source: General Administration of Customs

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