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The latest foreign trade data for August

        A few days ago, the head of the Foreign Trade Department of the Ministry of Commerce made an introduction to the operation of China's foreign trade from January to August this year。
        Overall, from January to August, China's total import and export volume was 20.05 trillion yuan, a year-on-year drop of 0.6%。Among them, exit 11.05 trillion yuan, an increase of 0.8%;Imports 9 trillion yuan, fell 2.3%。From an international comparison, China's import and export performance is also more uniform than the world's major economies。
        In detail, the operation of foreign trade mainly presents the following characteristics:
        -- Private enterprises play a prominent role as "stabilizers"。Private enterprises show strong resilience, outstanding contribution to stabilize foreign trade, export growth 8.3 percent, lifting overall export growth 4.Two percentage points, three percentage points up.8 percentage points to 54.9%。
        -- The share of exports from emerging markets continues to increase。The share of China's exports to emerging markets increased by 0.1 percentage point to 48.8%。Among them, exports to ASEAN increased by 6.Asean has become China's largest trading partner。
        -- Export-oriented economic development in the central and western regions was accelerated。The central and western regions to undertake the eastern regional industrial gradient transfer effect, export growth 6.8%, the growth rate is 6 percentage points higher than the overall, accounting for 1.1 percentage point to 18.6%。
        -- Exports of high-tech and high value-added products grew strongly。Mechanical and electrical products export增长2.1%, the proportion increased by 0.7 percentage points to 58.5%。Among them, the export growth rate of integrated circuits, home appliances, mobile phones and computers reached 14.7%、14.1%、8.9%和8.4%。Driven by the export of epidemic prevention supplies such as masks and gloves, the export of textiles and plastic products increased by 37 percent.8%、14.5%。Labor-intensive products are more affected by the epidemic and their exports are relatively weak。
        -- The industrial base was stable, and ordinary trade continued to strengthen。General trade exports increased 2.5%, driving the overall export growth rate 1.5 percentage points, up 1 percentage point to 59.6%。Processing trade exports fell 6.6%, a percentage drop of 2.1 percentage point to 26.9%。
        -- Cross-border e-commerce and other new business forms have become new highlights in foreign trade growth。The policy environment for new forms of foreign trade and the business environment have continued to improve, market players have been stimulated from time to time, and cross-border e-commerce and market procurement trade exports have bucked the trend and increased by more than double digits。
        At a regular press conference held on September 10, Ministry of Commerce spokesman Peak said that in the first eight months of this year, China's foreign trade imports and exports gradually stabilized and improved, and the situation was better than expected。On the one hand, a series of policy measures to stabilize foreign trade issued by The State Council this year have landed from time to time, and the policy effect has continued to be released。At the same time, the international market demand has partially picked up, and the PMI index of some major economies in the world has improved in August。On the other hand, the current global epidemic has not been fully and effectively controlled, the international market demand is severely shrinking, unilateralism and protectionism are on the rise, and uncertain and unstable factors are significantly increasing. China's foreign trade is still facing a grim and complex situation。

来源:People's Daily Overseas Edition
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