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How is the general Certificate of Origin used and what are its classifications?

  General certificate of originThe book of Ming (C.O.It is issued by the Local Council of Trade (CCPIT)。Trade promotion council (ChinaCouncilforPromotionofinternationalTrade), it and the international chamber of commerce under the same leading institutions have two name, namely the ccpit, the chamber of commerce。Ccpit is a non-state institution, but a national organization。The certificate of origin issued by branches in each region adopts its own format and uniform number。Certificates of origin issued by the Council for the Promotion of International Trade enjoy an international reputation as they are the only authorized authority。

  Ordinary Certificate of origin C/O is CERTIFICATEOFORIGIN,C/O is also called ordinary Certificate of Origin。General Certificate of origin C/O is the proof of export goods and manufacturing documents, is the source of goods in international trade proof, just like our ID card, proof of domicile。An approved certificate of origin can be used for customs clearance in the importing country。

How is the general Certificate of Origin used and what are its classifications?

  In general, the C/O of the certificate of origin can be divided into two categories, one is issued by the Committee for the Promotion of Trade (CCPIT), and the other is issued by the Customs。The format of the certificate of origin is the same, but the background color is different, but the place of origin issuance is the same, which does not affect customs clearance。Can only some importer customer requirements in the certificate of origin 5 bar cover chapter chamber of commerce (CHINACOUNCILFORTHEPROMONOFINTERNALTRADEISCHINAMBEROFINALCOMERCE),It is the reflection of general foreign customers to apply for chamber of commerce documents。Because CCPIT is the body that can represent the Chamber of Commerce,When the foreign importer asks the exporter to produce a copy of the CO of the chamber of commerce,They can go to the trade and trade commission (CHINACOUNCILFORTHEPROMONOFINTERFORTHEPROMOFINISCHINAMBEROFINATIONALCOMERCE),Customers who meet this requirement cannot obtain a customs visa。

  Ordinary certificate of origin adopts the national unified certificate format of one positive and three copies。It is originally a light blue water ripple, with the Great Wall pattern as the shadow, one, two copies, three copies yellow。English filling certificate。There are twelve kinds of certificates。

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