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What are the precautions related to the import and export declaration of medical device products?

  1.What is the customs tax number of medical device products?

  The customs tax number of medical devices is mainly 9018.9021.9022.Tax code 9402, etc。Import and export declarationWhen the tax refund, according to the different products to find the corresponding customs tax number。The following are the customs tax numbers and names of some medical device products for reference。


  Ii. Registration of medical devices。

  The first type of medical devices shall implement product filing management, and the second type of medical devices shall implement product registration management。

  For the overseas filing/overseas registration applicant for the export of medical devices to the territory, the designated domestic enterprise legal person shall submit to the drug regulatory department under The State Council the filing/registration application materials and the medical device marketing certificate approved by the competent department of the country (region) where the registration applicant is located。Innovative medical devices that are not listed abroad shall not be submitted to the national (regional) competent authorities for approval of the marketing of medical devices。


  3. Import and export of medical device products。

  1.Export of medical devices。

  Enterprises that export medical devices shall ensure that the exported medical devices meet the requirements of the importing country (region), and generally do not carry out commodity inspection。

  It should be noted that according to the General Administration of Customs Announcement No. 53 in 2020 and Announcement No. 124 in 2020, the export inspection of medical materials under five and 10 commodity numbers, including 630790010, is carried out。

  3005901000, 3005909000 belong to dangerous goods, in accordance with the export of dangerous goods or dangerous chemicals inspection and supervision requirements。

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