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How to handle export agent collection verification?

        Qiannuo Ark International Trade (Beijing) Co., Ltd. provides you with answers to questions about how to handle export agent collection and verification, hoping to help our customers' export business。

How to handle export agent collection verification?

1. An export entity with an account opening applies for the verification of export receipts for the first time (hereinafter referred to as the "Verification")
        1, unit letter of introduction, application;
        2. The original and photocopy of the approval of the foreign economic and trade department for the operation of import and export business;
        3. Duplicate and photocopy of industrial and commercial business license;
        4, enterprise legal person code certificate and copy;
        5. Copy of Customs registration certificate;
        6, the copy of the export contract, the foreign exchange bureau after the review of the above materials for the export unit to go through the registration procedures。
2. Get the order
        Before carrying out export business, the export unit shall come to the foreign Exchange Bureau to obtain the verification slip with the letter of introduction of the unit and the certificate of export verification officer (now the signature card of the entity opening the account)。When the export unit applies for the verification form to the foreign exchange Bureau, it shall fill in the name of the unit or stamp the name of the unit in the column of "Export unit" of each verification form on the spot。Stamp the official seal of the unit before the verification form is officially used。
        The verification form is valid for customs declaration within two months from the date of receipt。The export unit shall, within one month from the date of expiration, return the unused verification slip to the foreign exchange office for cancellation。
        The verification form filled in by the export unit shall be consistent with the relevant contents recorded in the export goods declaration form。
3. Customs Declaration
        The export unit shall handle the customs declaration with the verification form and relevant documents affixed with the official seal of the export unit within the validity period。
4. Deliver the stub
        After declaration, the export unit shall, within 60 days from the date of declaration, go through the formalities of sending the stub to the Bureau of Foreign Exchange with the verification slip and the export declaration form and foreign trade invoice issued by the Customs with the anti-counterfeiting label and stamped with the customs "验讫章"。
5. Verification
        The export unit shall, within 30 days from the date of receipt of foreign exchange, go to the foreign exchange Bureau to handle the verification of export foreign exchange receipts by presenting the verification slip and the "Special Copy for Verification of Export foreign exchange Receipts" issued by the bank。
Verify the network concept diagram
Vi. Loss and replacement of verification form
        After the export unit loses the verification form, it shall, within 15 days, explain the situation to the SAFE in writing (with the official seal and the signature of the legal person), apply for reporting the loss, and the unified declaration shall be invalid after the SAFE has verified it。
        1. The Office of Foreign Exchange shall cancel the blank verification form;
        2, for the declaration of written off, with the relevant export certificate for verification。
        3, for the request to reapply for the special copy of export tax refund, after going through the export verification procedures, the export unit shall submit a written application to the foreign exchange Bureau with the export tax refund certificate issued by the tax department. After approval, the foreign exchange Bureau shall issue the "Export tax refund Certificate".。
Vii. Replacement of customs declaration
        If the export unit loses the customs declaration form, it shall make a replacement application to the Customs with the certificate of non-cancellation issued by the foreign exchange Bureau。
8. Refund and compensation matters
        If a refund or compensation occurs under the export item, the exporting unit shall provide the relevant certificate to the SAFE, and the SAFE shall examine the authenticity of the refund or compensation according to the following circumstances:
        (1) If the export declaration has been made and the verification has been completed, the SAFE shall conduct the audit by presenting the following valid documents:
        1. Export contract;
        2. Refund agreement and relevant supporting materials;
        3, export receipts verification form (tax rebate special copy);
        4. Other materials required by the Foreign Exchange Bureau。
        (2) If the documents have been submitted and have not been written off, the SAFE shall review them by presenting the foreign exchange settlement memo (or account collection notice) of the designated foreign exchange bank and the documents listed in paragraph 1。
        (3) Where the export declaration has been made and the documents have not been submitted, the SAFE shall examine and approve the documents according to the first paragraph and the following valid documents:
        1. Export goods declaration form;
        2. Commercial invoice;
        3. Copy of the draft
        4. Foreign exchange settlement memo (or collection notice) from designated foreign exchange bank。
        (4) If the export goods are not declared but all or part of the payment for goods has been received in advance and the execution contract is terminated for some reason, and the export unit needs to pay the refund and compensation of foreign exchange to the importer, the SAFE Office shall review the export contract with the original, the certificate of termination of the execution contract, the foreign exchange settlement memo from the designated foreign exchange bank (or the account collection notice), and the payment notice of the importer。
        After reviewing the above documents provided by the export unit, the SAFE shall issue the "Certificate of write-off of Export Receipts".。The bank shall, with this certificate, handle the foreign exchange refund payment for the export unit。


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