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Frozen durian import process and precautions

        Tropical "king of fruit" durian, I believe that more and more people about this fruit has become less unfamiliar, today we take frozen durian as an example, a brief introduction to the process of importing fruit and precautions。

Frozen durian imports

  Common durian in the market, according to the type of points, can be divided into gold pillow, Chaoni, long shank, Musang king, etc.;According to the origin, there are Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines。However, in our domestic market, imported durians can only be bought fresh from Thailand, because the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine has very strict conditions for imported fruits。
  First, process introduction
  The first step is to check whether the fruit you plan to import is in the approved import list。
  Frozen durian into the countries are: Thailand, Malaysia
  Note: Frozen durian suppliers in Malaysia must be 9 companies registered in China
  The second step is to prepare the necessary documents for import
  Foreign shipper: Certificate of origin, plant planting certificate, foreign language label, frozen durian pulp processing certificate, etc
  Domestic consignee: consignee and consignor record, import and export rights, food circulation certificate, Chinese label, Chinese label record, packing list invoice, bill of lading, contract, plant inspection certificate
  The third step, prepare goods, delivery, import customs clearance
  1. The customer and the supplier negotiate the specific terms of the transaction, and prepare the goods and deliver the goods after confirming the terms of the transaction
  2, after the goods arrive at the port, exchange the document ---- inspection (no special problems out of the customs clearance, commodity inspection after the customs clearance to see whether the label is qualified, inspection, sample delivery, testing, label storage) -- customs -- tax, tax -- release, take delivery of goods
  A. It takes one week for the declaration and inspection;Sending samples for testing needs about 2 weeks to get the results, after passing the commodity inspection health certificate;It takes about 1 week to issue a health certificate
  B, the organization of commodity inspection and inspection can be operated together with customs declaration
  C. After sending samples for testing, the customer can pick up the goods from the supervised warehouse, and whether to sell them immediately is at the customer's discretion。If the commodity inspection fails, it will require the goods to be destroyed or returned.If the customer has sold the goods during this period, the demand is to replace the goods that have been sold。
  Durian quarantine map
 Two, precautions
  Label precautions
  1, foreign language label: affixed to the outer packing box, the box of a single product may also be affixed to the bag
  2,Chinese label: Attached to individual product boxes or bags
  3, the buyer's logo cannot appear on the packaging of a single product, only the trademark registered by foreign suppliers
  4, do not put Chinese labels on the product when imported for the first time abroad, and then import Chinese labels can be affixed in foreign countries
  5. Labeling can be started after there is no problem in the inspection
  Three, zero tariff precautions
  1, it is best to direct the ship, if the transit can be from the ten ASEAN countries or Hong Kong, but the Hong Kong transshipment needs to take the certificate of origin to Hong Kong's central inspection and signature, the central time delay will be at least a week。
  2, there must be an original invoice, signed and sealed, can not be a copy, the content on the invoice (invoice number, customs code, container number) must be common with the origin。
  3,Country of origin (FormE)The English of the consignee and shipper must not be wrong, and the place where the need to check should be hit in the center, not beyond the box。
  4. Get the electronic documents for review as soon as possible after the ship leaves, and adjust them in time to avoid delay in customs clearance。
  5, if there is a problem with the documents, the zero tariff can be paid as a deposit first, and the amount is used for the comprehensive tax rate;The Customs shall return the deposit after the documents have been examined and verified
  More questions, please call consultation


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